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Just joined bc game no clue on how to deposit Started by Beabea19     3 Voices 3 Posts Icon showing the avatar of the user who made the most recent post in topic Manse666 9 months ago. 06/05/2024 at 02:08 0 0 Go to thread #15237 Icon showing author of the current post: Manse666 Manse666
Posts: 7 User

XRP is usually in your account within minutes. Others like LTC or Dodge can take 30-60 mins

Best vpn Started by Bosh44     3 Voices 4 Posts Icon showing the avatar of the user who made the most recent post in topic Manse666 9 months ago. 06/05/2024 at 02:05 0 0 Go to thread #15236 Icon showing author of the current post: Manse666 Manse666
Posts: 7 User

I use Nord without issue

Issues depositing to kraken from bank account Started by Jarvis946     4 Voices 10 Posts Icon showing the avatar of the user who made the most recent post in topic Pilo 8 months ago. 06/05/2024 at 02:05 0 0 Go to thread #15235 Icon showing author of the current post: Manse666 Manse666
Posts: 7 User

I’m with Santander and have no issue at all. Have you spoken to your bank? They shouldn’t be restricting where you spend your money, maybe it’s a security measure that can be taken off your account.

GoldenBet Started by Manse666     5 Voices 7 Posts Icon showing the avatar of the user who made the most recent post in topic GameRoom 7 months ago. 19/04/2024 at 18:44 0 1 Go to thread #15219 Icon showing author of the current post: Manse666 Manse666
Posts: 7 User

Any UK players who use VPN at Cyrpto casinos should avoid GoldenBet. Tried to withdraw £200 and they KYC verification me. 

White Hat Gaming Started by Manse666     5 Voices 5 Posts Icon showing the avatar of the user who made the most recent post in topic geoff73 10 months ago. 16/01/2024 at 21:05 0 0 Go to thread #15112 Icon showing author of the current post: Manse666 Manse666
Posts: 7 User

Anyone else had similar issues with White Hat Gaming Sites?

On the 12th December all my accounts where banned with them, despite several emails there was no reply until 6th January when they apologised for “an incorrect action” in closing my accounts and they reinstated all accounts.

just 3 days after this they sent me another email stating that my account would no longer be eligible for promotions and I could not open another account with White Hat Gaming. 

Bc games bonuses Started by Therealragingrhino     4 Voices 5 Posts Icon showing the avatar of the user who made the most recent post in topic GameRoom 13 months ago. 02/01/2024 at 21:55 0 0 Go to thread #15105 Icon showing author of the current post: Manse666 Manse666
Posts: 7 User

It gets drip fed to you as you wager. It is a bit misleading though(still thin BC Game is the best casino I’ve played though).
I’ve got £222 back over time with various bonus’s but nothing in a chunk, £5 here and there

the sun play casino (stay away) Started by Joekayo     9 Voices 13 Posts Icon showing the avatar of the user who made the most recent post in topic Jimbocasino 2 years ago. 03/12/2022 at 16:02 0 0 Go to thread #13705 Icon showing author of the current post: Manse666 Manse666
Posts: 7 User

I’m fairly new to online slots, joined this site to get to know the best sites. Had an email from Gambers Den saying they were promoting Play UK so joined put a small deposit of £10 got the 100% match and £12 from the free spins. Played through the wagering and had £175 which reduced to £40 when wagering was complete. I was raging! Read the T&C’s and that 4 x conversion cap was there. 

I withdrew( not seen it in my account yet) and won’t use them again. They limit which games you can use the bonus on too so it wasn’t actually all that fun, became a bit of a grind.